The Penn State Hockey Story

Imagine being 24 years old and being handed your dream job. Creating a behind-the-scenes documentary series like HBO 24/7 on college hockey’s newest program. Oh, and it’s at the school you dreamed of going to your entire life. That is exactly what happened to me in 2014. What it became was Emmy Nominated, a three-time SVG, and had an intro blessed by the voice of the Hall of Famer Doc Emrick.

Penn State Superbowl Commercial

In 2014 Instagram was not the world-renowned advertising powerhouse it is today. But even then I saw its potential to speak to kids. So for Penn States’ regional Super Bowl commercial, we created an Instagram feed of what you could expect if you attend Penn State University.

Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Hat Day

The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Group had asked us to make a video to help drive donations for their biggest fundraiser of the year. We spent the entire summer getting beauty shots of our beloved city and using a drone which at the time was fairly new. I still love this project because it was one of my last at Awesome Films, and so perfectly showcased the city that I love.

University of Pittsburgh Professor Spotlight

The University of Pittsburgh asked us to do a series spotlighting some of their more notable professors. This one features world renounwed poet Terrance Hayes.